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Federal Budget 2020/2021

The Federal Government have released their 2020/2021 Budget.  There are some key changes that may be relevant to your business.

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JobKeeper Payment

If your business is affected by the coronavirus, you may be eligible to access the JobKeeper Payment.

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News: News

Government's Coronavirus Economic Response

The Government has announced its economic response to the Coronavirus in the form of a $17.6 billion economic stimulus package.

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News: News

End of Financial Year is Approaching

There are various strategies, dependent upon your circumstances that you may be able to put in place PRIOR to 30 June to minimise your tax payable and reduce any unwelcome surprises.

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News: News

Are you ready for Single Touch Payroll?

From 1 July 2019, it is compulsory for all businesses to implement Single Touch Payroll, even if your business has less than 4 employees.

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Intro to Xero:  small business accounting software

We are proud to be Xero partners and can help you setup your accounting file so you ensure you have it right from the beginning. If you are thinking about switching to Xero, we can also assist with a conversion from your current accounting software - call us today to find out more.

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News: News

Federal Budget 2019/20

The Federal Government have released their 2019/20 Budget.  There are some key changes that may be relevant to your business.

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News: News
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